Galleria Foto
Accadia is a town of 2374 inhabitants in the province of Foggia in Puglia, is located in the mountains of Daunia at 650 meters above sea level and is about 50 km from the provincial capital.
The most evocative part of the town, both from a scenic point of view and from a cultural point of view, is the Rione Fossi that attests the town planning of the town before being destroyed by various earthquakes. This part of the country is used periodically for musical and cultural events.
Of particular naturalistic interest are the Bosco Paduli and Pietra di Punta.
On the other hand, the sanctuary of the Madonna del Carmine located on Mount Crispignano (1105 m) and Santa Maria dei Teutoni about 4 km from the town are linked to the cult of the saints and the Madonna.