
Cacc’ e mmitte di Lucera

Curiosity and legend mingle around this wine from whose name derives the method of production that took place in the "palmenti", that is masserie equipped with tanks.

These containers, owned by the landowner, were leased for the pressing of grapes, at the end of which the user had to transfer the must to his cellar.

From this particular method of “Cacce” (hunting the must out of the palmento) and “Mmitte” (putting the grapes of the next user), his name was coined.

The most common grape used in this wine is Nero di Troia, but it is also obtained from Montepulciano, Sangiovese, Malvasia nera di Brindisi, Trebbiano toscano, Bombino bianco and Malvasia bianca.

The blend of grapes and the obligation to disciplinary of production to use up to 30% of white grapes for its vinification give the wine an inimitable color.

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