
Fave e cicorie

Fava beans and chicory is a dish of the rural tradition of our territory. Made with only two raw materials, peeled broad beans and wild chicory, vegetables with a bitter taste. Two ingredients that in the past farmers had at home or easily found in the countryside, with the addition of extra virgin olive oil raw.

The procedure is quite simple: just leave the beans dry in cold water for at least 12 hours (to speed up the time and make them softer add a teaspoon of baking soda) and then cook them until a soft puree.

The chicory must be well washed, to remove all the earth, and then blanched in water, if you want they can be washed in a pan with garlic and oil and chili pepper.

Fava beans and chicory is a delicious dish, ideal as a main course or as a main course.

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