
Pizza a furn apijert di Biccari

It’s easy to say pizza...! In Biccari the bakery has ancient origins and rites codified. At one time bread was made at home and only then brought to cook in the ovens. The best recipes, you know, are born trying! And this is also the case with the "Furn apijert" pizza: born from the need of the bakers to verify that the oven had reached the optimal gradation to cook perfectly the loaves. A piece of dough was then detached and placed directly on the stone in the front of the oven until, when the colour of the dough changed, the response was clear. The original recipe of the mashed flour, water, potatoes, yeast and salt was then enriched over the years by biccaresi with local products such as extra virgin olive oil, Ogliarola cultivar, and organic garlic braided Tertiveri. Fragrant and crunchy, the "Pizza a Furn apijert" was included in 2011 by the City Council among the food and wine products in the Municipal Denomination ( and boasts a theme festival that takes place every year in August.

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