
Borgo rurale Giardinetto - Orsara di Puglia


Borgo Giardinetto was built in the early '30s of the last century, in full Muslim agrarian reform, which provided for the construction in Capitanata of small rural villages. These villages were designed and designed according to the principles of rationalist urban planning and were therefore characterized by the presence of a core of central services: town hall, house of the beam, barracks of the carabinieri, post office, school, etc.. The construction of the rural villages of Capitanata was not completed and they are only constituted by the squares, which should have been the functional and aesthetic center of the whole village.

The garden, designed by the architect Marino Lopopolo from Bari, looks like a widening around which overlook the church and the town hall, the house of the beam and the school. The square is surrounded by arcades. Later additions and tampering have in part mortified the rationalist intentions of this city germ, but they are nevertheless understandable.

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