
Boschi di Celenza Valfortore

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These wooded areas are part of the Area of Interest Comuntario "Monte Sambuco" and cover about 300 hectares with deciduous broad-leaved trees dominating oaks, in particular Roverella and Cerro. Besides these dominant species we find abundant the Maple, the Hornbeam, the Ash Tree, the Hazel, the Elm, the Linden, the Sorb and the Holly. In addition to the wolf, there are several species of animals of great natural value such as the wild cat, the badger, the dormouse, the octopus; very varied also the avifauna with a prevalence of birds of prey: common owl, tawny owl, owl, buzzard, sparrowhawk, goshawk, kite.For the amphibians the presence of the Yellow-bellied howler is signalled. In Bosco Puzzano, in Casone Iamele the Province of Foggia has set up an environmental wildlife center, equipped with a botanical garden and can be visited by reservation. In the center you can see some of the most representative animal species that populate the woods of the Monti Dauni, such as roe deer and wild boar or falcon and buzzard.

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