
Boschi di Orsara di Puglia

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One of the most rewarding experiences for the visitor of Orsara is the discovery of its environmental heritage. There are many wooded areas, mainly oaks, oaks and oaks, kingdom of foxes, wild boars, badgers and kites and hawks; all are crossed by paths and many of them easily reachable on foot from the city center, thus following a habit of the Orsaresi themselves.

Among the closest woods the Calavrese, which is equipped with areas and the Acquara, in which there is the forest viviaio, and which is crossed by a path of Roman times. Very beautiful are also the forest of Cervellino and the adjacent Macinando, which overlook the Valley of the river Cervaro and which are part of the same SCI area (site of Community Interest).On Mount Cervellino an excursion can also be motivated by the discovery of many fountains in the countryside; on these hills in the Aragonese era was bred the Regia equina breed. It offers spectacular views of the Cervaro valley and incredible spring blooms of wild orchids, the Monte Preisi, surrounded by lush forests, where the visitor can also have fun identifying the traces of the primitive settlement that preceded the birth of Orsara. Finally, to the west of the village there is the mountain with the forest Lama Bianca, cut from the Via Trainera, a link between Orsara and the Via Francigena; while to the north east of the village a beautiful dirt path skirts Monte Maggiore until you reach the Contrada Ischia.

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