
Boschi di Roseto Valfortore

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The woods of Roseto see arboreal vegetation consisting mainly of oaks, oaks and maples. However, the beech is not missing, even if in a minor presence. The fauna is varied and articulated: it goes from the undisputed king of these areas, the wolf, the wild boar, the fox. There are also skunks, dormouses and guercino mice. Among the birds stand out raptors like the kestrel and the buzzard, but also corvids like the magpie. Vetruscelli Municipal Wood is easily reachable on foot from the village even by the laziest, while the most energetic can go further until you reach the wood of Iscatare that presents inside the most extensive root of the Dauni Mountains: it is a humid area, colonized by marshy vegetation, poplars and willows, where the presence of amphibians and insects increases considerably.

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