
Bosco di Faeto o Bosco Difesa - Faeto

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Elected Site of Community Importance (SCI), it extends for about 150 ha to the north-west of the village, going as far as the Feudo Canal. It is mostly made up of oaks (oaks and oaks), but it also has the most important extension in the north of Apulia of beeches: hence the name of Faeto. It also boasts the presence of maples, elms, hornbeams, lindens, sorbs, as well as beautiful blooms of primroses, dog roses, anemones and orchids. Important is also the undergrowth with holly and ruscus. The fauna of the area is rich: among the mammals are the wolf, the fox, the badger, the wild cat, the dormouse and the fly. Among the birds are the great spotted woodpecker and the green woodpecker; various raptors and corvids. It has springs and wetlands and is home to amphibian species such as the Apennine howler and the agile frog. The forest is crossed by paths of different duration and difficulty and is equipped with picnic areas; inside there is also a botanical garden, a refuge with restaurant and rooms and an adventure park.

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  • Faeto

    The lovely village owes its name to the stretches of beech f...

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