
Cappella del Calvario di Celenza Valfortore


The small Chapel of Calvary is an extraordinary testimony of the intense religious devotion of these lands: it was built in 1912 thanks to the offerings of the celenzani, not far from the old chapel, dating back to 1813 and destroyed. In memory of the original chapel, on the facade of the building is preserved a plaque with the inscription: "Stop here viatore, contemplate this wood, there of love in sign Christ died for you. AD MDCCCXIII." In 1996 it was rebuilt from the foundations at the behest of Father Don Clemente Serna González , Benedictine Abbot of San Domingo de Silos in Spain. The minute building is characterized by its grace and the use of materials from the ruins of the previous chapel. Inside, the only niche holds the statuary group of Christ on the cross with Our Lady of Sorrows and Mary Magdalene at his feet.

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