
Cappella di Maria SS. Dell'Olmitello di Deliceto

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The legend attributes the birth of the sanctuary to the discovery of a statue of the "Virgin and Child", among the branches of an elm tree, at the Church of Santa Maria in Sableta, a small cult building whose oldest citation dates back to a bull of Pope Gregory VII in 1085.

In the sixteenth century it was restored by the will of the Marquis of Deliceto Giambattista Piccolomini, but later had periods of decline, until the recent restoration in 2000. The popular tradition believes that the Madonna dell'Olmitello, performed miracles, saving Deliceto on two occasions: during the plague epidemic of 1656 and during that of cholera of 1837. For this reason, every May 7, the Delicetani make a penitential pilgrimage to the Olmitello Chapel. The statue of the Madonna dell'Olmitello, once preserved here, is now kept at the church dell'Annunziata.

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