
Casa del Capitano - Mu.Civi.Te. di Faeto

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The building owes its name to the fact that here it was the residence of the governor of the village, even if the local tradition wants the residence of the chief of brigands.

The minute Casa del Capitano is accessed through a beautiful stone portal, with a crest in keystone with lion rampant surmounted by a crown; the entrance is connected to the street floor of the characteristic Vico Valentino by three stone steps. The structure is in stone and the facade on Via Vittorio Emanuele has a precious mullioned window, consisting of columns with capitals with plant motifs; The window has an architrave surmounted by a cuspidated frame that ends laterally with an anthropomorphic protome on the right and a zoomorphic on the left. It is an element of reuse of a previous factory, probably coming from the late Monastery of the Holy Saviour, at the time located near the municipal forest.

Inside the building is located the "Mu. Civi.Te", civic museum that houses the permanent exhibition "The upper Celone Valley - in montibus vicatim habitantes": a sort of itinerary on the history of local settlements from prehistoric times to the Middle Ages. The collection of archaeological finds includes prehistoric objects, such as bone weapons from the Neolithic period; tools from the Samnite and Roman periods, such as a black-painted vase, but also medieval stone fragments, among which stands out an extraordinary stone crucifix of the sixteenth century.

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    The lovely village owes its name to the stretches of beech f...

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