
Castello d’Aquino di Rocchetta Sant’Antonio

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The Castle of Aquino was built at the beginning of '500 by the Marquis of Corato and feudatory of Rocchetta Ladislao II of Aquino.

The noble building, which was built more for pleasure and splendor than for defense, has a triangular plan, at whose vertices rise three towers crenellated "almond", reminiscent of the bow of a ship. Just the shape of these towers lead us to the architectural theories on the defensive works of Francesco di Giorgio Martini, put precisely for the Montefeltro and brought by the Orsini in the south of Italy.

The sturdy and fortified building soars over the valley to the southwest of the village, which marks the border between Puglia and Campania. Once the Aragonese fell, Ladislao was stripped of all his possessions and also lost the fief of Rocchetta. The beautiful castle, passed from property to property, came in 1609 in the hands of Andrea Doria; in 1849 the Doria family sold it to the Piccolo, current owners.

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