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The Castle stands on the acropolis of Celenza Valfortore and is a trapezoidal plan, with a crenellated tower (originally there were probably five, as can be seen from the coat of arms of the country), three superb loggias and a covered courtyard; it was built by the will of Gambacorta, Thanks to which Celenza reached its peak between the fifteenth and sixteenth century.

The building was started in 1467 by Giovanni Gambacorta and in 1575 Carlo Gambacorta transformed it into a noble residence. In the 17th century Andrea Gambacorta rebuilt the walls of the roof garden and completed the apartments of the baronial palace, enriching it with paintings and decorations. The ancient building remains today one of the crenellated towers, three loggias and a covered courtyard.

A second second tower in the 1700s housed the prisons, but collapsed following a fire caused in 1799 by the Neapolitan revolutionaries.

The castle is now a private residence, so the usability of the property is partial, almost exclusively outside.

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