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The structure is located within the premises of the former Convent of San Francesco, between the church of the same name and the Teatro del Pidocchietto.

It is a physical place that responds to the new concept of food as a cultural expression and not just as a vehicle for food. In fact, the Centro del Gusto hosts structures, rooms and spaces designed specifically to accommodate didactic moments, conferences, training meetings, courses and taste workshops, which offer both visually and sensorially, the creation of various food and wine itineraries.

The showcase of the best the Montti Dauni have to offer in terms of food production and culinary tradition, created and managed by the LAG Meridaunia, is the perfect scenario to get closer to the knowledge of one of the most relevant aspects of the culture of the Monti Dauni: the food and wine.

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  • Troia

    First Aika was a small settlement dedicated to hunting betwe...

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