
Chiesa dei SS. Pietro e Nicolò di Casalnuovo Monterotaro

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The original church was probably built in the eleventh century and was equipped with a hospitale for the reception of pilgrims on their way to Monte Sant'Angelo. Around the monastery there is a hamlet, from the name of Casale di San Pietro, primitive nucleus of the sixteenth-century Casale Nuovo. The current building was built in 1574, while in 1693 it was renovated and consecrated by Cardinal Orsini: on this occasion the church was also dedicated to San Nicolò, as a result of the abandonment by the Albanian community of Casalnuovo of both the homonymous church and the Greek rite.

The church is characterized by a baroque facade with clean lines that sees the cream color of the plaster interrupted by the white stone elements (pilasters and portals). On the left side, very backward, emerges from the pitched roof a massive square bell tower with plastered base and clock, central brick body and cusp on octagonal drum. Its construction dates back to the early '900. The interior has three naves separated by pillars and is bright and spacious; the apse has a Gothic ribbed structure of dubious origin. The church preserves the statues of San Pietro, San Nicola and San Matteo Apostolo, a wooden crucifix of the '700 and a beautiful organ; it is also enriched by a remarkable ceiling decorated with square and octagonal tiles of gold and blue color, containing flowers in turn golden; In the center the painting of the Virgin enthroned with the Child Jesus in her arms and on the sides Saint Peter and Saint Nicholas the Bishop.

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