
Chiesa dei SS Pietro e Paolo di Casalvecchio di Puglia

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The original nucleus from which the house was built was called Sanctus Petrus de Castelluccio, this is probably the reason for the dedication of the church. The lovely building seems to have been built by the Duke of Termoli in the sixteenth century and was opened for worship in 1713 by Cardinal Orsini. It was rebuilt after an earthquake in the early 1800s. The exterior of the church is characterized by a white plastered and linear facade overlooking the Piazzetta of the Town Hall, furnished with trees.At the bottom of the left side stands a beautiful stone bell tower. The baroque interior, consisting of a single nave, appears simple and airy; in it, above the simple altar, is preserved the precious canvas depicting the Madonna of Carmel between Saints Peter and Paul made in 1759 by Michelangelo Sammarco. In the church are exposed many statues, the one of the Immaculate Virgin and that of the Holy Rosary, exposed on the two former side altars rococo style; the statue of Our Lady of Carmine, and that of Our Lady of Sorrows with the effigy of the dead Christ.

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