
Chiesa di San Francesco di Celenza Valfortore

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The sacred building was built in 1705 on the site of the ancient rural convent founded by St. Francis of Assisi himself during a pilgrimage to Monte Sant'Angelo. Today it is incorporated in the district dedicated to Sant'Antonio Abate and is made up of the Church and next to it the Convent of the Friars Minor.

The exterior of the church is characterized by the Baroque style. The façade, plastered in creamy yellow, is framed by pale stone pilasters and is divided into two levels; at its center there is a beautiful stone portal, with a niche placed on the architrave to accommodate the effigy of the saint, above a large window with a broken tympanum illuminates the interior. The interior space has a single nave overlooked by five altars, surmounted by niches in which the wooden statues depicting San Francesco, San Antonio, San Pasquale Baylon and the Immaculate Madonna are kept.

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