
Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista di Castelluccio Valmaggiore

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The original building was built on the ruins of the fortified citadel and was rebuilt several times over the centuries. The church consecrated in 1769 by the Bishop of Troy, was totally demolished and rebuilt in 1957.

The current building is therefore modern, with a facade plastered yellow cream at the top of the large staircase access. Inside the church has a single nave 32 meters long and 10 wide, with a trussed ceiling placed about 20 meters from the ground. The presbytery is in exposed brick and contains a single altar on which there are five windows with stained glass windows with scenes from the life of Jesus. On the left side there is the chapel of San Giovanni with an altar in polychrome marble of baroque style and the wooden statue of the Saint, work of the sculptor Gaetano Fiore, dating back to 1853. On the right side you can admire the bronze Via Crucis placed on an onyx marble.

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