
Chiesa di San Giuseppe

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The vicar general of Alberona, Pietro De Nigris, was victim in 1656 of the terrible pestilence of Manzoni’s memory and is remembered as a benefactor by the Alberonesi: in fact he left his goods to the poor of Alberona so that they had help and assistance.

The church has a stone façade, where the finely worked Gothic portal stands out, surmounted by a stone arch of Roseto Valfortore, on which appears the Effigy of the Glorious Saint with the head of moor, star and viper and the following inscription: "Templum divi Joseph erectum datatumque sumptibus d. Petri de Nigris juris Patronatus A.D. 1649". The interior by the simple lines is dominated by the beautiful stone altar.

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    Alberona is perched on the slopes of Mount Stilo, but with i...

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