
Chiesa di San Giuseppe di Rocchetta Sant’Antonio

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It rises near the ancient Rocca, in the highest part of the town, which was urbanized by the Byzantines at the end of the X century, when they worked the framing of the boundary line between their dominion in Puglia and the Longobard Duchy of Benevento.

The sacred building originally housed a statue of Saint Antimo of Nicomedia, Christian martyr of the third century, to whom we owe the name that the village will retain until the fifteenth century: Rocca Sant'Antimo.

The building of medieval origin was originally dedicated to Sant'Antonio Abate and has been tampered with several times over the centuries, until it takes on its simple current appearance.

The church has a single nave and preserves inside the statues of Saint Joseph, Saint Lucia, Saint Mary Crowned and Our Lady of Constantinople, as well as a holy water font in eighteenth century marble.

The beautiful painting of the seventeenth century, which portrays the "Holy Family" has found a new place in the Mother Church.

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