
Chiesa di San Michele di Celenza Valfortore

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The plague of 1657 decimated the population of these lands, reaping numerous victims. It is said that Celenza freed itself from the epidemic on 29 September, the feast of the Archangel Michael. The celenzani attributed to the intercession of the Holy Angel the grace received for the liberation from the plague and wanted to express their gratitude through the construction of this church, as also recalls the inscription visible on the portal of the same entrance: "Michaeli Archangelo Celentiae, freed plague, Universitas erexit AD MDCLVII". The tiny religious building is made of stone and its exterior is so simple that it could be mistaken for a civil dwelling, were it not for the presence of a bell tower that denounces the sacred nature of the place. Inside there is a plaque commemorating the consecration in 1712 by Cardinal Orsini, apostolic visitor of the diocese of Volturara.

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