
Chiesa di San Nicola di Castelnuovo della Daunia

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It is a proven history that the early church has over the centuries been the point of aggregation of the peoples who came from the other side of the Adriatic. On the remains of the Greek church was built between the seventeenth and eighteenth century a new religious factory that was later extensively altered.

The current building recalls the architectural lines of the eastern churches; it has a simple façade, with a curved top, and on the right side a slender bell tower with a parallelepiped shape. The interior no longer has anything of the eighteenth-century church: it has a single nave, defined by pillars that support cross vaults. The Church houses several works dating back to the seventeenth century: the wooden statues of Our Lady of Sorrows and Saint Nicholas the Bishop and the canvas depicting Saints Biagio, Nicholas and Anthony Abbot.

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