
Chiesa di San Nicola di Mira di San Marco la Catola

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In the maze of alleys and c'nant (narrow streets with steps) that is the heart of San Marco La Catola rises this solid sacred building of the beginning of the seventeenth century.

The Church was consecrated to the Blessed Mother and Virgin Mary and to Saint Nicholas of Mira in 1713 by the then Cardinal Vincenzo Maria Orsini, that later became pope with the name of Benedict XIII. The building has a basilical plan with three naves and has a sober stone façade on which opens a single entrance portal. The current bell tower dates back to 1910 and rises in place of an earlier bell tower, coeval to the church, which had a round dome in colored ceramic, knocked down as unsafe.

Inside there is an altar with balustrades of the late '700; seven sepulchres: one for priests, one for the baronial family, the other five for nobles, artisans, farmers, virgins and infants; and a chapel dedicated to St Mark the Evangelist, whose cult is traced back to the foundation of the same village by the Venetian Christians liberated during the VI Crusade by Frederick II.

The sacred building also houses the relics of the patron saint Saint Liberato.

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