
Chiesa di San Rocco di Deliceto

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The religious building was dedicated to San Rocco, protector of the plague victims, and to the Madonna del Carmine. The church has undergone numerous changes through the centuries; today it has a facade, built in 1933, very linear and an interior with a single nave. Among the works kept here are particularly valuable a baptismal font and the statue of San Rocco, in the chapel to which it belongs. There are also statues of Saint Joseph Worker and the Madonna del Carmine, works of the '700, inserted in two niches. The precious statues of Santa Barbara, coming from the chapel of the Castle, and Santa Lucia, work of Scipione Nunziata, priest and local artist, find space along the right wall of the Church. Finally, the apse houses a mosaic made in 1987 by Giuseppe Zaccheria depicting Saint Rocco who invokes the intercession of Our Lady with God on the sick.

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