
Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta di Panni

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In this place there was a place of worship already in the eleventh century. Damaged and repaired several times over the centuries by the strong earthquakes that affected the village, the original church was finally demolished in the first half of the seventeenth century, to build a larger and safer church. The new Church was completed between 1830 and 1842 thanks to the contribution of the population, the Confraternity of SS Sacramento and the Municipality that managed to collect the sum of 14,000 ducats. Some of the materials used for its construction came from the ruins of the Castle.

There were other earthquakes that marked the fate of the unfortunate Church: in 1930 and 1962 it collapsed leaving only the perimeter walls, the facade and the side chapels.

The current building dates back to 1985 and is characterized by a tripartite brick facade with the central part slightly overhanging, three entrances and five lunette windows. Very beautiful is the portal of the Chapel of Adoration which is architraved and dominated by triangular tympanum with floral decorations and volutes.

An original detail can be found in the 1905 clock machine from Rovato (Bs), first located in the bell tower, then moved to the corner of the facade to be visible from Corso Regina Margherita. The interior has three naves and preserves some precious objects dating back to the ancient church including a silver shrine, the statue of Our Lady of Loreto, carved in a block of white marble in Greek style, and several marble altars with balustrades.

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