
Chiesa di Santa Maria delle Grazie di Casalvecchio di Puglia

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The present church stands on the remains of a pre-existing, built at the beginning of '800 thanks to the faith and hard work of the Casalvecchiesi, which on the back of a donkey and behind brought, from the fortore and the nearby countryside, the stones and sand necessary for the construction. The original church was of considerable size, and had huge columns dividing three naves and supporting cross vaults. Behind the presbytery was a magnificent wooden choir, destroyed in a fire in 1911, in the center of which was the beautiful effigy of the Madonna degli Ulivi.

The church suffered serious injuries, due to the failure of the land on which it stood and was therefore closed in the '70s; its decay was final with the earthquake of Irpinia in 1980. In its place, the new imposing church was built in the mid-1980s. The façade is in brick and has three entrances; the upper curved crown is surmounted by a classical tympanum in white plaster. On the side there is a mighty bell tower with a square base of three floors, the first stone, the other two brick, surmounted octagonal body with clock and a cusp. The sparse interior preserves several statues, among which stand out those of the Madonna delle Grazie, San Nicola di Bari and San Matteo, in addition to the canvas of 1926 'the Annunciation of the Angel to the Blessed Virgin.

Under the altar are the relics of San Francesco Antonio Fasani, San Liberato Martire and San Gaspare del Bufalo, founder of the missionaries of the precious blood.

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