
Chiesa di Santa Maria Maddalena a Rocchetta Sant’Antonio

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The graceful church is located in the most recent part of the village and in the open space that the City wanted to dedicate to his most illustrious daughter: the writer Maria Teresa Di Lascia.

The eighteenth-century building is characterized by a harmonious clear stone facade that vaguely recalls the prospect of the most sumptuous Mother Church. The clear stone outlines a tripartite facade by means of pilasters and presents in the center the only entrance portal on whose sides are placed two ovals; on the portal in a small niche the statue of San Rocco; high on the sides of the tympanum, Two symmetrical bell towers incorporate bells of Agnone 700.

The interior has a single nave and exquisite baroque taste, with a ceiling embellished with arches, stucco and molded frames; at the bottom of the nave you can see an altar in light marble and ornamental figures in black and pigmented stone, on it the wooden statue of the Immaculate Conception, and the statues of Saint Jude Thaddeus and Saint Michael.

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