
Chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore o dei Teutoni

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Along the ancient route of the Roman Via Herculea, a few steps from the Frugno Torrent and its picturesque springs, the Gole di Pietra di Punta, stands the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore, also called Teutoni.

The small rock church that presents in its construction material reuse of Roman times, was probably built on the site of a pagan temple dedicated to Matrem Magna. In 1121 the church assumed the name of Sancta Maria Matri Magna. It was the Teutonic Order, present in Apulia, land of embarkation for pilgrims on their way to the Holy Land, which in 1191 introduced the title of Santa Maria Maggiore.

The small and charming religious building is simple, with its masonry structure and the small bell tower. The facade and the crypt keep precious inscriptions and inside there is a cippus decorated with probable references to the Roman emperor Alexander Severus, his mother Namea and his wife Sallustia who, according to legend, would be buried here.

According to tradition, right here, in 1124, Pope Callistus II died while returning from the first Council (of four) that took place in Troia.

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