
Chiesa di Sant’Andrea Apostolo di Sant’Agata di Puglia

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The church, traditionally considered the oldest religious building of Sant'Agata, has undergone over the centuries numerous interventions that have altered the original structure of medieval style. A plaque, once placed near the entrance, was dated 1542, probably indicating the year in which important structural works of the building began, which was however rebuilt in the second half of the year 600 together with the bell tower that partly covers the facade of the church.

A very fascinating theory is the origin of the place of worship dating back to the sixth century as Saint Andrew the Apostle, to whom the church is dedicated, was venerated as Patron of Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire and in the church is venerated the ancient statue of Saint Mary of Constantinople. Currently the church has a stone facade with a gabled roof and a polygonal plant with two naves, with barrel vaults lunetted; the left aisle was added at the end of '800.The church has a circular apse located behind the high altar in the central nave (on which a building has been placed). The bell tower of Norman layout insists on the left side of the facade in irregular stone and has two orders and three lights. The frescoes of the vault and the central nave are of recent invoice, executed in the last century by Enzo Liberti.

Inside there is, at the end of the left nave, a wonderful wooden Crucifix of natural height, made in Naples in the seventeenth century and attributable to the workshop of Giacomo Colombo, two red stone altars and an interesting fifteenth-century walnut choir with rococo styles. The statues of Our Lady of Constantinople of the '300 and that of Our Lady of the Help of the '700, whose cult spread in Sant'Agata towards the end of 1800, when the homonymous Brotherhood was born.

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