
Chiesa Madre della Natività di Maria Vergine SS. - Chiesa Priorale

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The current building is the one erected by the Prior of Alberona between 1719 and 1723 on the site where stood the ancient church founded by the Templars, now unsafe and dilapidated.

At the beginning of the 19th century, however, the church had fallen into ruin again, so much so that new interventions were needed. Behind the Church was the Palace of the Grand Prior and the Prisons on the side. The imposing bell tower includes on the ground floor and on the first floor the remains of one of the two towers of the Priory Palace: traces of the Templars in the base and of the Knights of Malta in the stone slabs with engraved friezes are clearly visible.

The church is still dedicated to the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, to whose worship the Knights Templar were particularly devoted. Inside are kept precious relics such as the bones of San Vitale and an ampollina with his blood.

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