
Convento dei Frati Minori, detto di Sant’Antonio

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A stone plaque placed inside the elegant and bright cloister testifies to the year of construction of this white and linear convent: a papal bull granted, 12 March 1467, permission to build to Matteo Stendardo the building dedicated to Saint Anthony of Padua for the Observant Friars.

In 1776 the convent was used as a seat of theological studies and in 1811, after the decree of Joachim Murat in 1809, with which the religious orders were suppressed, the premises were reorganized into barracks.

The building was reopened for worship in 1819for a few decades. In fact, in 1866 a new Royal Decree sanctioned the suppression of monastic orders. It became a municipal property and was auctioned off and in 1896 it was acquired by the provincial father of the Friars Minor. From then until recent times it was used as a student and novitiate, with chairs of philosophy and theology. Since the end of 2017 the structure, renamed Monastery of Santa Maria della Pace in S. Antonio, houses the Poor Sisters of S. Chiara di Norcia, who were homeless following the earthquake in Umbria.

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