
Fontana Monumentale di Casalnuovo Monterotaro

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It was the only source of drinking water in the village until the advent of the Apulian aqueduct.

The project of the Fountain dates back to 1824 is due to the san severese Girolamo d'Amico, while its construction was carried out by the artisans Donato Minchillo and Raffaele Parente. Construction was completed in 1843. The fountain is solid, protected by a roof with barrel vault and tympanum slightly curved sloping. On the tympanum there is an epigraph whose text is a poetic incitement to the female population to the use of the source: "Run to the wave or virgins, clear and fresh is the source, it cost a lot to track it from the mountain pasture. Run to the fearless source, although shady in part escapes the idea of Silvia with the fabulous Mars". On top of the roof is a decorative pine cone (two others, placed at the end of the sloping, were stolen). The structure is subject to the road plan, but in all probability was originally elevated. This remarkable element of urban furniture was for over a century the center of the social life of the village, until the advent of water in the houses changed the habits of the inhabitants of the village.

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