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Mount Cornacchia, with its 1151 meters, is the highest mountain in Puglia. From its peak, on which a small forest refuge has been built, you can enjoy a suggestive and spectacular 360 º º view towards the Irpinia, the Gargano, the Maiella and the Tavoliere. The summit of the mountain is the ideal destination for excursions and trekking in search of unspoilt landscapes and tranquility. The vegetation of the mountain is characterized by the presence of vast grasslands and pastures of altitude, alternating with coniferous and broad-leaved woods.

The most important faunal presence is that of the wolf index of high naturalistic value of the whole area. Besides the wolf, the presence of numerous species of birds of prey should also be reported. Monte Cornacchia can be reached by the beautiful and comfortable Frassati di Puglia Trail that connects Biccari, Castelluccio Valmaggiore, Celle di San Vito, Faeto and Roseto Valfortore.

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  • Faeto

    The lovely village owes its name to the stretches of beech f...

  • Biccari

    At the foot of Monte Cornacchia, under the roof of Puglia li...

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