
Monumento ai Caduti di Monteleone di Puglia

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The majestic monument was built thanks to a city committee that found funds in America after the Great War. Realized by the artist Vito Pardo, the monument was officially inaugurated in 1926. The sculptural bust depicts Italy and is supported by two stone eagles that take flight. At the foot there is a soldier, bronze, kneeling in the act of embracing the flag, which symbolizes the love for the homeland. In the sides, cast in bronze, are listed the names of Monteleonesi citizens who fell in the First World War and a plaque, placed at the foot of the monument, remembers the fallen of World War II.

It is said that when the King, Victor Emmanuel III, examined the project of the work, inadvertently imprinted the thumb on the sheet, in the statue of the soldier, which would be visible also on the monument to witness the accuracy in the execution of the work.

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