
Museo Archeologico Antiquarium Comunale di Celenza Valfortore

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The exhibits cover a very long period of time ranging from the Neolithic to the late Roman Empire, with raids until the seventeenth century.

The evidence of the Neolithic and Eneolithic era comes from the sites of Toppo Capuano and Molino d'Abbasso and are mainly fragments of painted and decorated ceramics. Very interesting also the stone artifacts, such as axes and hammers and flint blades. Of great value are the finds of the Dauna era, mainly ceramics decorated with geometric motifs. The fourth century is a beautiful necklace in orange and blue glass paste. Precious evidence of the activity of Roman centuriazione is the cippo graccano, that it brings engraved the names of M. Fulvio Flacco and C. Sempronio Gracco. On the upper part of the stone, which was fixed in the ground, is traced the "decussis": two crossed lines used for tracing the lots according to an orthogonal grid.

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