
Museo Civico “Carlo Gaetano Nicastro”

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The paleontological collection consists of about 150 finds, most of which are attributed to marine invertebrate organisms, dating from the Miocene to the Quaternary.

Significant is the prehistoric section, formed by evidence of industrial production (tips, blades, scrapers in flint and obsidian) and handicraft (decorated ceramics) of the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. The Iron Age is attributed to two bucchero ceramics. The most surprising elements, however, are the anthropomorphic funerary stelae dating back to the third millennium B.C. They are megalithic stone funerary monuments depicting femininity (stylized) and masculinity (symbolically).

More consistent materials fall in the Roman section: epigraphs, sculptures, a large mosaic rug referable to a domus of imperial age, ceramic materials of local production and import (sealed italic and African, lamps, ointments, painted cups), ceramic dauna (geometric and vegetal), war instruments (bronze and iron girders and spear heads, spikes and needles in bone, an iron stiletto with a bone handle), spindles and weights from a fictitious frame, lamps, agricultural tools (axes and sickles), ointments, glasses, capitals, terracotta pipes, as well as a numismatic collection.

Finally, in the medieval and post-medieval section there are sculptures and architectural pieces from the Cathedral and the church of San Pietro, jugs with the typical "red band" decoration, numerous Renaissance and modern glazed majolica tiles.

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