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The Museum collects archaeological finds ranging from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages and that testify to the ancient history of the village and its territory.

In the rooms of the noble palace and in the antiquarium located in the guesthouse of the abbey complex it is possible to admire various tools in flint and amigdale dated from 15.000 to 11.000 years ago; terracotta lamps of the III sec. a.c.; a terracotta enchytrismòs vase of the IX century B.C. A polychrome Attic jug depicting animals and a human figure; an antefix depicting a gorgon; axes, fibulae and bronze spearheads; Roman coins; Daun and Roman pottery; weights for weaving; a cippus with inscription and dedication to Apollo, probably pedestal of statue; several Hells.

Among the most remarkable finds: an acephalous statue dressed in wavy drapes, a millstone, an imposing terracotta wineskin, and various epigraphs; as well as the remains of the sepulchral slab of Abbot Peter, the ashlars of an arch with a carved star, an eagle and a griffin. Curious about the presence of similar ashlars, and therefore presumably having the same origin, outside the former monastery of the Abbey. It is in fact possible to notice on the entrance of the guesthouse a tanning representing the agnus of the gods and lower others on which are carved a dragon and a lily.

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