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Objects of great artistic value are displayed alongside sacred vestments, jewels and precious reliquaries. Among the most prestigious works preserved here are: two crucifixes, one in copper on a wooden support (XIV-XV century) and the other, always on wood, embossed and chiselled silver with stones set on the arms, belonged to Bishop Toulouse; the latter presents at the base a crystal ampoule that holds one of the Sacred Thorns of the crown that girded the head of Jesus Christ; a pyramid monstrance in gilt copper and enamels of the fifteenth century. and the arm reliquary silver of St Mark of Eca, both attributed to Pietro Vannini; a golden bronze chalice, finished with enamels, and a bronze paten, decorated in relief, both dating from the first half of the fourteenth century; numerous garments belonging to the bishops of the Diocese of Bovino (a brocade mitre embroidered with gold, silver and gold sequins, of Neapolitan factory of the second half of the eighteenth century; a green silk planet and polychrome silk inlay of the end of the sixteenth century; of the same period, a silk piviale with green embroidery on yellow background, Venetian school); polychrome wooden busts, which guard the relics of the saints represented and the artistic statues of Saint Andrew and Archangel Michael, sec. XVII.

Noteworthy are the "Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian'' attributed to Mattia Preti and the "Martyrdom of Saint Peter" by the Caravaggesque school, once preserved in the church of the same name.

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  • Bovino

    The ancient town of Bovino dominates the Southern Dauni Moun...

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