
Palazzo e Torre del Gran Priore

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Built in the twelfth century on the cliff of the river Salsola, the Priory Palace was the seat of the Templars, who in Alberona had an important preceptor. The building was originally equipped with a hospital, a prison, an armory and a basement used as a stable. We also know from a convertible lying at the State Archive of Naples which was made up of twenty rooms, owned a cellar and two warehouses that could contain "more than 4000 tomeoli of wheat"; in addition it was connected to the Mother Church, and its facade was characterized by a dominant loggia "the whole of Puglia".

Today only the tower remains clearly visible. In 1307, with the suppression of the Templar Order by Pope Clement V, the palace passed to the Order of Knights Hospitaller, known from 1530 onwards as Knights of Malta, who held the palace until the suppression of the feudal system in 1809.

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