
Palazzo Mogrugno di Lucera


The original core of the property dates back to the seventeenth century and was already at that time one of the most beautiful noble residences in the city. The building became the seat of the city government in 1826, when it was bought for about 10,000 ducats by the City to become "City Palace".

Palazzo Mozzagrugno is the most imposing and superb building of Corso Garibaldi, which also houses important buildings such as Palazzo Gifuni, Palazzo Lombardo and Palazzo Granata. The building is a sober example of neoclassical architecture, thanks to the new forms and decorations that were imposed on its facade following the restoration of 1832 designed by the architect Filippo Gifuni.

The property has a massive structure and is equipped with a large and bright atrium (once also a beautiful garden); the facade is characterized by the rustication of the ground floor and the Doric order of half columns doubled on the upper floor.

Palazzo Mozzagrugno houses the beautiful Garibaldi Theatre and until a few years ago the Bonghi Municipal Library, now in the former Convent of SS Salvatore (called San Pasquale).

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