
Ponte Romano sul Cervaro - Bovino

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The original structure with chestnut poles dates back to Roman times, and suffered a partial collapse following the earthquake of 1627. The current version was built at the time of Duke Giovanni Guevara (1602-1631) to overcome the river Cervaro and connect more easily the inner and mountainous districts of Bovino to the royal road that led from Naples to Puglie, now state 90. The bridge consists of a symmetrical structure of 3 round arches and circular generating. The road plan is delimited by parapets on both sides with a course that follows that of the edges of the roadway. For its realization, stone ashlars, river pebbles, pozzolanic mortar mixed with pozzolanic cement, lime and sand quarry or river and stone material were used. The central part of the bridge is still found on chestnut piles.

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