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The complex, known as the Convent of Sant'Antuono, is quadrangular in shape and has on the east side the ruins of a church, later. The huge building and its outbuildings today appear completely in ruins, in spite of its thousand-year-old and glorious history. The origin of the building is to be found in the Roman period, when it served as a military station and commercial stop. In the Middle Ages it became a monastery: perhaps of the order of the Benedictines of San Pietro d'Olivola, or more probably, given its title to Sant'Antonio Abate, of the Teutonic Order of the Spedalieri, who also converted it into a hospital for the care of the sick.

In the Middle Ages, in fact, it was in use to cure the fire of Saint Anthony with the fat of the pig, which is why the Saint is depicted with a little pig at his feet. This fallen giant was a place of exchange, monastery, hospital for the sick, refuge for travelers, and a place of care for soldiers on their return from the Crusades.

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