
Santuario della Madonna del Carmine

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On Mount Crispignano stands the Sanctuary of Maria Santissima del Carmine, whose origins date back to the end of the thirteenth century. and which was rebuilt several times over the centuries. On the opposite side of the main entrance is the cave with the split rock in which, it is said, the Virgin Mary appeared to a shepherd boy.

On the site of the apparition of the Madonna was first erected a cross, then the primitive chapel was built. The small religious building collapsed, according to tradition, because it was not built according to the indications of the same Virgin, that is with the apse towards the mountains and the entrance to the plain. In 1694 the Duke of Accadia, Don Giuseppe Recco, had the church rebuilt at his own expense, which took the name of Maria Santissima del Carmine. The Sanctuary suffered serious damage due to the earthquake of 1962 and the current building is therefore the result of the reconstruction of 1969.

In 1856 Madame Saveria Maselli donated to the church a statue of the Virgin with Child Jesus to which were donated by the Akkadians migrated to America in 1927 two crowns adorned with 87 precious stones.

The feast of the Madonna del Carmine is celebrated on 16 July, while the first Sunday of May the Shrine is a pilgrimage destination.

Every five years, moreover, from 20 to 22 August, there are solemn celebrations in honor of the Madonna del Carmine, with an impressive procession that leads the statue from Mount Crispignano to the village.

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